"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." John 4:23

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I've been so busy getting the inside of the house together that the outside has been a little neglected except for the occasional grass cutting. (I didn't want to be "THAT" house on the street with the 12" tall grass). So yesterday and this morning I pulled the weeds in front of my white picket fence and threw some grass seed on it, knowing we were expecting some rain later tonight and over the next couple of days - my hose won't reach the area - need to get another one to extend it.
I also borrowed my sister's weed whacker and worked on getting control over some of the weeds around the edge of the grassy areas. Can I say I've never used one before? :-) It was interesting figuring it out - fairly simple until the string disappeared - I think I was a bit too vigorous in the whacking...mind you some of these weeds are 6 ft tall - YIKES!
Hopefully I will get  a handle on them before the winter so next Spring I will know what to yank and what to leave.

So I recently got an upgrade for my phone (Yay) and have been trying things out on it. I love the camera and video part to it. I was recording my hummingbird visits when I heard hooves on the road. The local "Marlboro man" as I call him (because he smokes while riding his horse) was coming down the street. There are some horse farms in my area and he makes his weekly ride down my street - usually on Saturdays.